Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Finding the Female G Spot - Gabrielle Moore The G-Spot Code

Gabrielle Moore is a female intimacy expert. She specializes on teaching guys how to please their woman in the bedroom.

And any guy who wants to improve their sexual skills should definitely check out The G-Spot Code which is about finding the female g spot.

This is what you should do... visit my website for the full review of The G-Spot Code by Gabrielle Moore. If you want more information... you will find direct links to her site.

Click here => Finding the Female G Spot <=

Friday, October 10, 2008

Christian Carter Dating Advice - What You Don't Know About Men Can Prevent You From Having The Relationship Of Your Dreams

First of all... I want to help you get the most amazing relationship of your dreams... but to do that you have to understand how men think and what you may be doing to push them away.

For instance... men don't communicate as well as women do... for some reason it has always been this way... in fact, I remember when I was in grade school... the girst could talk a mile and I wouldn't know how to respond...

And no wonder... take me for example... when I was growing up... my dad was my role model... you know... the strong and silent type. I'm sure many other guys had a Dad like mine... no emotions allowed... and then the women expect us guys to open up?

But when these two worlds colide as it often does... women get disappointed and experience a lot of feelings why men don't communicate their feelings within the relationship. And the couple grows apart...

You probably heard of Christian Carter... he is very good at verbalizing exactly the perceptions of the male mind that most women don't realize or or see...

And if you haven't gotten a copy of his popular book... you should get it if you have trouble meeting Mr. Right or even holding Mr. Right.

And if you go down to my bio... I'll tell you where to go to get it... but for now... you must understand that men don't necessarily have to verbalize their feelings as women do...

And to expect a man to do that is sort of like trying to "change" him...

Have you done this before?

And how long after you did something like or similiar to this did he leave? This is a potential pattern that many women fall into and don't understand when their man leaves the relationship.

In conclusion... most of the conflicts between men and women centers around the missed signals and misunderstanding of what it takes to satisfy both in an amazing relationship.

Christian Carter dating advice is a must for any woman that wants an Amazing relationship of their dreams... he will take you out of the endless pattern of break ups with Mr. Right and tell you how to identify Mr. Wrong...

And you can visit Brad's website for more dating tips, relationship advice plus dating books reviews that will improve your life at: http://www.building-healthy-relationship.com

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Ways to Get an Ex Back - Discover the Top Mistakes that Instantly Kills Any Attraction Your Ex May Still Have For You

If you are reading this article... it probably means that you are desperate and is willing to do anything to get back with your ex.

And yes... breaking up hurts... I wouldn't take that away from you... but you need to understand why you broke up and whether or not getting back together is the best thing for you.

And to do that... you must stop whatever you are doing right now because they are very unattractive behavior and more likely to turn your ex off and virtually eliminate any chances you will have to get back together. I hope I got your attention now...

Are you doing these behaviors?

* Are you begging or pleading with your ex to get back together?

* Are you trying to "guilt" your ex?

* Are you continuously trying to arrange meeting times with your ex... hoping they won't forget you?

* Are you sending gifts, letters, poems, flowers and other "thoughtful" gifts to your ex?

Seriously, stop all those things... those behaviors convey the appearance of you being needy and clingy... and you should see positive changes...

Stopping or avoiding these behaviors is going to help you in the long run. Instead of being clingy and needy... you are going to be independent and confident... which is extremely attractive...

If today's tips was helpful... you should definitely check out this program that specifically give you ways to get back an ex.

And you can find other recommended dating and relationship resources for self improvement at Brad's website at http://www.Building-Healthy-Relationship.com. Don't forget to grab your free ebooks too!

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

How Do I Find Mr. Right... Discover 3 Ways How to Captivate Him, Make Him Fall in Love With You and Give You His World...

I have had many women email me and ask how do I find Mr. Right? I don't think they meant where to find Mr. Right but how to find him...

There is a big difference here I think. The problem isn't finding a man... the problem is finding a man that adores you... that cherishes you... that listens to you... and more importantly... you absolutely love him and the special relationship you have together.

But it all starts at the beginning when you first meet him.

1) The first thing you must do is let him be the man... let him be in charge. Trust me here... the very best thing you can do for a guy is let him make all the decisions... corny, yeah... but it is so true! But if the guy insists on letting YOU make the decisions... Just say next and look for a man that you can respect.

2) Now here is the tricky part... letting the man pay for your first dates... This is a time honored ritual that allows the men to feel they are in charge. Similiar to point #1. Cutting him off at the knees by insisting that you want to pay for your meals and movie ticket can be conveyed to the man that you aren't interested in him and he cannot be gallant knight in armor... he will look elsewhere.

3) Oh yeah... no matter how good looking he is... no matter how smooth he is... never, ever have sex with him too soon. Do it and you change the dynamics of the relationship too fast. And more likely... he will see you as a "conquest" and move on to the next girl. Instead, make him "earn" the relationship. Don't make it cheap and tawdry. And besides... most women and polls from women say the same thing... most women regret one-night-stands because they never work out well for the woman -- emotionally and relationally.

The conclusions drawn from this short article is that you should let the man be the man. He may surprise you and rise to the moment so to speak! And don't ever let yourself be seduced into the bedroom early in the relationship.

If you want to find Mr. Right... then discover fantastic dating advice and tips from world class dating experts at my website... and don't forget to grab the free relationship reports too...

You can visit Brad's website at http://www.Building-Healthy-Relationship.com for more relationship and dating resources.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Relationship Advice Books - Fresh Ideas to Get the Most Out of Life You Want in the Time You Have

You are reading this article because you are looking for ways how to improve your relationship or marriage. And I got some great news for you... there ARE excellent relationship advice books written by the top relationship experts on the Internet that will help you...

So let's do this... I will tell you what kinds of relationship books are out there and you can find their reviews on my website in the link below:

How to improve your lovemaking skills... for both the husband and the wife. Making love shouldn't be boring. Learn how to make it exciting and fresh. Learn how to get the most enjoyment out of it.

How to naturally cure premature ejaculation. Many guys have this problem and it is very frustrating. The "usual" solutions are numbing creams, pills and expensive therapy. This is a much cheaper alternative and besides... who would want to "numb" their pleasure? That would be ridicolous!

How about book of 1000s of questions you can ask your lover to get to know them better?

Is your partner having an affair? Find out how to break that affair and whether or not the relationship is worth saving.

Is the jealousy issue ruining your relationships? Find out how to deal with it if you are the one who is jealous or your partner is the one who is jealous.

Kissing tips! Now who wouldn't want to be a better kisser? Great kissing breathes promises of exciting times ahead.

How to be a better conversationalist with a member of the opposite sex. Many times when we meet someone attractive... we "blow it" by being predictable and boring... Find out how to dynamic and amazing conversationalist that will blow their socks off!

So there you go... there ARE great relationship advice books out there. Relationships are dynamic and always growing... And I believe that improving yourself is part of the process that shows respect for yourself as well as your partner.

However, many of them are written by pretenders and hoaxers who are just in it for the money. They don't care about your or offer any concrete advice. But the good news for you is that I review these books for you to separate those crummy books with relationship advice books that are amazing, incredible and packed with information that you don't know about.

And you can visit Brad's website for even MORE "how to" books from dating to relationship issues at http://www.Building-Healthy-Relationship.com. Are you making these mistakes that is keeping you from enjoying the love life that you deserve?

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How to Make Love to Women - Review of The Lovemaking Bootcamp by Gabrielle Moore

If you want to know how to make love to women... then you should definitely consider The Lovemaking Bootcamp course taught by Gabrielle Moore...

It is that good... it is very comprehensive and there are 7 courses that covers everything from role playing to dirty talking to aphrodisiacs... up to erogenous zones and much, much more...

You see, Gabrielle is the author of the popular ebook, Female Orgasm Revealed in which she explains exactly how to please your partner...

And Gabrielle won't make you feel slimy or anything like that... you want to add more excitement in the bedroom? Do you feel that lovemaking has become boring and stale?

Well, this is the answer to your questions...

For the full review and direct link to Gabrielle's site... go to my website at: How to Make Love to Women -- The Lovemaking Bootcamp.

I think you will be glad you did...

Friday, October 3, 2008

For Guys Only - What You Don't Know About Social Networking Sites...


A good friend of mine, Derek Lamont, just came out with an
explosive book called, "Online Game - The Internet Attraction

And it has been making waves in the dating world... Derek wanted
me to tell you all about his book... but I said, "Now wait a
minute... my guys need something more from you..."

So Derek agreed to let me give all my guys (that's you by the way)
a copy of his Online Game Preview Report -- for fre.e!

It is 26 pages long and gives you some tips on the mistakes you
may be making on Facebook that you don't know about... that is
absolutely killing your chances with women online!

But you have to do something for me... you will have to click on
the link below to download your own copy of this special report.


Brad Donelson

P.S. I share no responsibility if you end up having too many dates
on a Friday evening! :)

Testimonials from other guys...

"I had been on the online dating scene for years before I got my
hands on the Online Game system. I wasn't experiencing much
success until I read Derek's e-book. My love and sex life took a
complete turn around. I successfully met the love of my life and
we are getting married next year. Whoever isn't willing to take
out a few dollars to gain access to this information is missing
out on a lot."

- Shane Cortez - San Francisco, CA

"I met the love of my life because you. Just after a week using
your online dating methods, I sparked a relationship with the girl
of my dreams... and that was last year. We're now getting married
next February!!!! Tell me how any guy could live without this

- Will Thompson - Toronto, CA