Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bring Back a Lost Love by Cucan Pemo

Let me tell you a little about Cucan Pemo. She is passionate about caring about others. And it shows in her book, Bring Back a Lost Love.

If you find yourself having problems in a marriage, and to be honest with you, many people do. And most marriages end in divorce.

And it doesn't always have to be that way. Many times, marriage end because either one or both of you fall out of love.

And Cucan Pemo will tell you exactly what to do to bring the both of you back together again... many times even when the other one doesn't want to!

So if you find yourself in a situation like this and don't know what to do...

Be sure to check out my review of Cucan Pemo's Bring Back a Lost Love here:

Bring Back a Lost Love

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Who is the Father?

The battle to be father to Anna Nicole's daughter : Mail & Guardian Online

Even in death, controversy seems to follow Anna Nicole Smith...

You see, Anna Nicole Smith's last will revealed that she left everything to her son Daniel. However, Daniel passed away several months ago. It is assumed that Anna Nicole Smith's baby daughter, Dannielynn will get her mother's estate.

But who is her father?

That is the 20 million dollar question. And there are men popping out of the wood work to claim that lofty status. Even Zsa Zsa Gabor's hubby is saying he is the father.

Good grief!!!

Either way, it seems that Anna Nicole Smith will continue to fascinate and shock us even as she goes to the Playboy Mansion in the sky...

Relationship Advice

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Proof that Smart People Do Make Stupid Mistakes

Lisa Nowak and the man in the middle

Astronaut charged with attempted murder is released on bond - Orlando Sentinel : Space & Science Astronaut charged with attempted murder is released on bond - Orlando Sentinel : Space & Science

NASA astronaut accused of attacking a rival for another astronaut's affection at Orlando International Airport was released on $25,500 bond after authorities upped the ante in her case, charging her with attempted first-degree murder.

Lisa Nowak has 3 kids, is 43 years old and should know better. Apparently being smart and confident doesn't make you invulnerable to stupid acts.

Lisa armed and disguised herself and drove 900 miles from Texas to Florida to confront her rival, Colleen Shipman. After spraying her with pepper spray, Lisa was caught.

And now she is in BIG trouble because her charges can lead to lifetime imprisonment.

The thing of this whole tawdry affair is that there really was no romantic string to connect Lisa with Navy Commander William Oefelein.

The only thing I can say to Lisa is what were you thinking? You trained to be an astronaut and you are definitely very smart.

Colleen Shipman the alleged victim

This whole situation is messed up. Lisa Nowak doesn't belong in jail but she has to face up to her responsibilities. She made the stupid decision to hurt people and for what?

The love of a man that isn't romantically involved with her...

I just bet Lisa isn't the only person who done something like this. So the lesson here is DO NOT do stupid things in the name of love. It doesn't work and can get you sent to jail!!!

Relationship Advice