Who says that making love and procreating end before you hit 30?
The world's oldest father has done it again, fathering a child for at least the 21st time, at the age of 90.
Indian farmer Nanu Ram Jogi, who is married to his fourth wife, boasts he does not want to stop, and plans to continue producing children until he is 100.
So guys, get a clue. It is never the wife or girlfriend that is the problem... it is you!
So if she isn't interested in you anymore, it probably is 99% caused by your actions and behavior. And I am not trying to make you feel bad. Most guys and including me, has never figured out or been told EXACTLY how to keep your woman interested in you.
Because ultimately, guys love women who are feminine and sexy. If that isn't happening in your life anymore -- if you have no sex in your relationship -- I got some information for you.
You can't "make" her desire you. You have to create the conditions and behaviors that will make you desirable so that she wants you. Get the difference?
Be sure to check out this book which will show you how to regain her interest in you again: