Saturday, November 25, 2006

Holidays and Relationships

Financial, family losses can take holiday toll -

It is just ironic that some of us completely miss the picture and spirit of the holidays. The holidays can be the most stressful times within a relationship. Spending too much time together, misunderstanding each other, spending is out of control and I'm sure there are other factors involved...

But having a great time during the holidays does not necessarily mean spending more money!

It is a time to be thankful and appreciative of what you have. What it means to you. How you can turn to someone that you love and know they support you.

Isn't that more important that what ever material thing you want?

I have an ebook review of an excellent book by Amy Waterman called, "Save My Marriage." Be sure to check it out before buying the book Marriage Relationship Advice

If there are other topics that interests you be sure to check out my site here Relationship Advice

Monday, November 20, 2006

Bring Back a Lost Love

Do you want to rekindle a lost love? Have you and your former lover separated somehow and you feel you should be together again? A wonderful book by Cucan Pemo was written for you. Be sure to check out the review NOW at: Bring Back a Lost Love

Everyone needs a little relationship advice to spice up their marriage!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

First Date and Smoking

Relationship roulette

According to a survey of 2,923 singles by It's Just Lunch, 61% said they would not go on a first date with someone who smoked.

Granted, smoking tobbacco is legal and you have the right to do that. But keep in mind, it will reduce your pool of eligible singles to date.

For me, this survey gives another good reason not to smoke...

Go here for some relationship advice right now: Relationship Advice

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Book on Marriage Relationship

How Often Do You Hear Yourself Saying, "No, I Haven't Read it: I've Been Meaning to!"

I wrote some reviews on several marriage/relationship self-help books. They cover a wide variety of subjects. Such as jealousy, how to kiss, how to improve your skills in the bedroom, and how to frame yourself as someone that is extremely desirable. So check out these books on Marriage Relationship

Make your relationship more awesome! Get some great Relationship Advice

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Relationship Advice

Welcome to my Blog! Let's make our relationship exciting again! Remember when you first met your partner? It seems there was never enough time to spend together and sparks in the bedroom? Well, those days can come back again!!!

Dating Tips and Relationship Advice.