Thursday, August 30, 2007

Guys -- Quit Complaining -- This Dude is 90 Years Old!

Who says that making love and procreating end before you hit 30?

The world's oldest father has done it again, fathering a child for at least the 21st time, at the age of 90.

Indian farmer Nanu Ram Jogi, who is married to his fourth wife, boasts he does not want to stop, and plans to continue producing children until he is 100.

So guys, get a clue. It is never the wife or girlfriend that is the problem... it is you!

So if she isn't interested in you anymore, it probably is 99% caused by your actions and behavior. And I am not trying to make you feel bad. Most guys and including me, has never figured out or been told EXACTLY how to keep your woman interested in you.

Because ultimately, guys love women who are feminine and sexy. If that isn't happening in your life anymore -- if you have no sex in your relationship -- I got some information for you.

You can't "make" her desire you. You have to create the conditions and behaviors that will make you desirable so that she wants you. Get the difference?

Be sure to check out this book which will show you how to regain her interest in you again:

Super Sex Power -- Magnetism

Friday, August 24, 2007

Katherine Jenkins---- L'Amore Sei Tu

Katherine Jenkins is an opera singer. Sure, she is young and pretty. But take a closer look at this music video... you will notice she is feminine.

She isn't like all those pop stars you see nowadays that live the lives of drugs, booze and sex. You will notice that these wayward women don't seem very happy and usually have lots of problems with relationships with men.

And there is a good reason for that... you see the good men that want to marry you love women who are feminine. NOT tramps! But stylish women that make men feel like men...

If you are unsatisfied with the kinds of men that you are meeting, you absolutely must check out my review of Bob Grant's new book here:

How to Find the Man of Your Dreams

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dave Matthews Band - Everyday

I haven't seen this music video in a long time and watched it the other day. It reminded me of how simple... how perfect it is to hug someone who isn't even expecting a hug from you!

Let's try doing this today... hug five people. It can be your family, your close friends and even... if you dare -- a perfect stranger that didn't even know he/she needs a hug.

Just offer a hug and then go your way... And yes, it is that simple and would be more appreciated than you know!!!

BTW, I love this video.

More relationship advice

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Don't look now but Don Imus is back...

Well, it looks like Don Imus is back in the news again. Not only he settled with his former employers for $20 Million dollars...

He is getting sued by one of the Rutger basketball player that he insulted that started this whole circus.

And don't get me wrong... I think Don Imus is a gas bag that said things he shouldn't have said. And yes, it was extremely obnoxious but not illegal. We do have free speech which is one of the most cherished rights we have in the greatest country in the world.

But still...

Did I mention that Don Imus is a giant bag of gas?

I am sure this is what happens when you "get away" from saying crap for years and your employers don't take measures to clean up your act. Why? They are scared because believe it or not -- a LOT of people really like to hear him blabber...

Must be for entertainment purposes because I don't listen to him...

So I am sure he is getting back on the radio again -- hopefully a wiser man.

And about the lawsuit -- don't know if it will ever make it to court but anything that will pester Imus is fine with me.

So the lesson here as always -- there are consequences for everything you do and say. Less said is usually better...

Relationship advice

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Break Free From The Affair

Dr. Robert Huizenga wrote this authoritative book on affairs.

If your partner is committing adultery and you want to know if your relationship or marriage can be saved...

Then this book was written for you.

You see, Dr. Huizenga found out from experience in his office that there are different types of affairs. And knowing which ones are worth saving and which ones you should just walk away...

Wouldn't that information be very valuable to you?

Not only you are being victimized by the affair, you could be a victim over and over again as your partner cheats with another person...

And that sucks. So if you want to know for sure which way to go -- then get this book.

Read my review of Break Free from the Affair by Dr. Robert Huizenga here:

Or if you want to get more information about the book -- go here

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Embrace Life No Matter How Many Curve Balls...

By now you probably heard the tragic bridge collapse in Minnesota...

And we are concerned for the survivors of the accident...

Then we wonder what if an accident happens to us?

We would be driving down the road and the next thing we know the sky is down and the earth is up...

I'm here to stay that bad things happen...

And none of us deserves to die... well... except for Hilter, Stalin and others like those guys...

But still -- we must keep on going. Not let fear ruin our lives...

If we submit to fear -- we might as well be dead because what would be the point of living? To be alive is to embrace life and enjoy the most we can get -- each and every day!!!

Relationship Advice