Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why Are Muslim Males So Angry?

I was reading the magazine, Psychology today (August 2007). And one of the articles was -- 10 outrageous truths about men and women [brace yourself]. And a subarticle was titled: Suicide Bombing Has NOTHING To Do With Islam…

Granted, this is a very very provocative argument and I kept reading...

This article makes the point that most suicide bombers ARE Muslim. And that suicide bombing has nothing to do with Islam but it has everything to do with the absence of sex.

To tell you the truth, I was intrigued how they arrived at that conclusion and so will you...

The article says that the Islamic society tends to be polygyny. Which is a way of saying that men of higher status are allowed to have more than one wife. And since most societies are 50% men and 50% women – it means that a lot of men in Islamic societies have little or zero chances of getting a wife and starting a family.

So polygyny increases the competitive pressure on the men of low status because wealthier men tend to have more than one wife. The men of low status may resort to violence acts such as murders, assaults, and rapes to gain access to mates.

Then these men get the promise of 72 virgins waiting in heaven for those anyone who is a martyr. The definition of a martyr is anyone who dies in the defense of their beliefs. The key word here is beliefs. It can be defined by anyone in the position of authority, which really isn’t difficult, because the men who answer the call of suicide bombing are just about always single and always low status males who have a really bleak future of no women and NO SEX.

And the promise of a harem of 72 virgins is a very, very enticing way to get illiterate and poor young males to volunteer to give up their lives.

In short, if the premises and facts put out by Psychology Today is true, the current trend of blowing up yourself to further the agendas of authority figures in the Mosques and Muslim countries is one of the most diabolical and horrific scam perpetuated on society today…

Just wow. Makes a lot of sense to me.

Relationship Advice

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How To Find The Man Of Your Dreams by Bob Grant

All I can say is Bob Grant did it again...

You see, Bob is the author of the popular book for women, "The Woman Men Adore." And he wrote a new book to help women who just can't seem to find the man of their dreams.

And the title of the book is very appropriate, "How to Find The Man of Your Dreams."

Bob emailed me and asked if I could review his new book. And quite frankly, I was intrigued because I really liked his first book.

And he didn't disappoint me. I wrote my review which you can find here:

How to Find the Man of Your Dreams by Bob Grant

The best part about this book, is you get 15 minute BONUS one-on-one phone consultation with Bob Grant when you get his book...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Review of Save My Marriage Premium by Amy Waterman

Amy Waterman and her group just put out a brand new self-help kit for those who want to improve or fix their marriage.

It is a 12 part video and written course that can help you with your relationship problems...

You see, Amy really wants to help you. She gathered information from her two coauthors to get the best information possible -- that you can download instantly and get help fast...

Read my review here:

Review of Save My Marriage Today Premium by Amy Waterman

Or go here to get started:

Save My Marriage Premium Website