Monday, May 7, 2007

Paris Hilton is going to Jail

So, Paris Hilton is going to Jail. For 45 days.

Is this cause for celebration?

I have notice a disturbing increase in the number of people who actually "revel" in the fact that Paris Hilton is distressed about her situation.

You could make the argument that Paris Hilton deserves the punishment because she totally disregarded her previous traffic problems and admonitions by the judges.

So she doesn't take the law seriously. She probably thinks it is for the common people and not for rich, sexy and popular girls like her.


Look at the other side of the coin. If she does in fact go to jail, the taxpayers will have to pay to keep her isolated from the rest of the prison population.

And she will come out even MORE famous a la Martha Stewart.

What to choose?

Be sure to sound off. And I do have to admit that Paris Hilton is an extremely polarizing figure. She represents what we hate and love about celebrities...

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