Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jerry Seinfeld is Busy as a Bee with New Family

We all have heard of Jerry Seinfeld from the hit TV show. Jerry is now 53 years young and admits that he didn't become a full grown adult until he was in his late 30s.

Jerry talks a little about growing up. He said he wasn't funny but his dad was the comedian in the family. Jerry had to "force" himself to get up on stage and be funny. It was terrifying for him. I can imagine because most people are scared to death of public speaking. I heard people are MORE scared of public speaking than death.

Go figure.

Back to Jerry Seinfeld. He said his success was due to his relentless work ethics. The only demon he had was the lazy demon.

Wow, that is refreshing for someone to say that because our world is obsessed with quick and easy. And along comes Jerry Seinfeld throwing that myth out the window.

Oh yeah, he is really happy now. Syndication revenues from the 9 year run of his sitcom has made Jerry very wealthy. He has been married for 8 years and has 3 children.

I'm happy everything is working out well for Jerry...

Relationship Advice

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