Monday, January 29, 2007

Pictures of Penis -- Hanging Offense? | WTF | Teacher reassigned after having students draw penises

I don't know about this...

Apparently some biology teacher had his 7th grade class draw a picture of a penis.

On one hand -- it's a biology class and covering the subject of human anatomy should be expected.

On the other hand -- these kids are around 12-13 years old. I am not sure this is an appropriate subject for kids at that age.

Then again, when I went to school years ago, it seemed obvious that most kids were aware of the differences between a man and a woman. I mean really aware!

I don't know what is it like these days but still...

Can't you just cut up a frog and leave it like that?

What do you think? Are the parents just a bunch of prudes or is the teacher a closet pervert?

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