Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wesley Snipes -- Unfortunately, a Tax Cheat

Oh Wesley Snipes!

You can effortlessly slay the vampires but you couldn't pay your taxes?


You didn't file for taxes for five years AND for two years you fraudulently got $11 million in refunds?

And during the period in which you didn't pay taxes -- you earned $38 million dollars?

Oh come off it Wesley Snipes! Nobody likes paying income taxes but you need to man up about this.

And it is the little things that we procrastinate and put off... until the piper come along and asked to be paid.

In this case, it was the IRS. And Wesley was sentenced to 3 years of jail.

But for the fans, don't worry too much. He will get the Martha Stewart treatment. And besides, if Wesley is smart enough, he will be planning his comeback...

Just like Martha did.

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